I've been playing this game since it first came out, but I had only been playing multiplayer and zombie modes up until last night when I finally beat the campaign mode. First, I know the two zombie modes get a lot of attention and they are entertaining, but I wouldn't consider it long lasting fun. It really just feels like a little break if you are either tired or frustrated with multiplayer (maybe you got owned 3 maps in a row). Both zombie modes are pretty fun, I do like the addition of the arcade mode. But it is just horde mode from Gears.
Multiplayer is, of course, where the game really shines. Multiplayer is fantastic. I would say it is better than Modern Warfare 2, but I think it really only feels better because I was ready for a new game and a change. Trying to look at them overall, I would say they are equal. Now the maps really do feel better to me. I find them to be a great mix of size and layout. The maps feel more intense to me. I can get into the action within a few turns after respawning. I also remember in MW2 that I could always find places to hide for a minute to be safe, but these maps have less spots and I find myself in more intense battles. One change I would like to see is that the RC car becomes less powerful, easy to kill, or a higher kill streak requirement. My main complaint for this is because that damn thing kills me every freaking time. I swear to all that is holy every time I hear an RC car followed by the stupid voice saying one has been spotted in my area, that damn things kills me.
Campaign mode feels like the offspring of a menage-a-trois involving Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed, and Fight Club. I had a blast playing it and the story wasn't too bad even though I didn't quite grasp some parts of the story, but I'm not the smartest peanut in the turd. The character you play has to be the most bad ass soldier ever. I got knocked out and captured and threatened to be killed a few too many times. It did offer about 4 hours of play time, but I did do the easy mode mainly because I wanted to beat it. I didn't buy this game for single player so I just wanted to get through it so I could see the story.
Overall, awesome game. I am even more impressed since I always had a bad impression from Treyarch. However, I think they have really outdone themselves. I am going to continue enjoying this game, especially since there is a growing concern that the next version of CoD could be a monthly pay model and at that point, I am most likely out.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
UG - Mobile Games and Mobile Gaming Devices
First off, I must give credit to pg as him and I talked this out so some of the ideas are his as well. Whether he actually wants to claim credit for this crazy talk is up to him.
This started out as an Angry Birds for Android review, but as I started ranting it changed into what it is now. I will say Angry Birds is an entertaining game, drains my battery, but it is great time-killing game. However, I think at times the Android community goes crazy for anything that gets ported from the iPhone community and thinks it must be the greatest thing ever. I downloaded the game to see what all the talk was about and I have played it quite a bit since then. Like I admitted at the beginning, the game is fun. But, it is just a game where I slingshot birds around, this is nothing ground breaking, this isn't God of War. This thought path got me thinking about all the mobile game talk and the fights between Nintendo, Apple, and Sony.
There are lots of articles out there about mobile gaming and the iPhone is always at the center of the attention, mainly because it does sell a lot of games and Steve Jobs chants about it any chance he gets and always compares it to the PSP and Nintendo DS. While the numbers show the iPhone does sell lots of games, I would like to create new categories for these games. The iPhone (and Android and Blackberry, and Windows Phone 7 …) is really good at time-killing games. These are games I want to play while sitting on a toilet, or waiting in a doctor's office, or waiting for my plane to begin boarding, etc. The PSP and Nintendo DS games are different. These are more involved games that are long and draw the player in and really do have superior graphics and do require more controls. These are games I want to play at night while on my couch and my wife is watching a TV show, or while I am actually on a long flight, or while I am on a long road trip, or while I am visiting my in-laws, or getting a prostate exam (some doctors really like to take their time). Anyways, my point is that there are different game categories in my mind for the mobile arena. You sure as hell couldn't try to sell Angry Birds to a PS3 or Xbox 360 gamer.
Now, what I would really like to see is a mobile phone that by default would include the time-killing games, but let it also have the capability to do true mobile gaming. There have been rumors about a Sony upcoming phone that will include a PSP capability. This sounds awesome to me, but I immediately think of the issues like cost, controls, size, screen resolution, battery life, storage capacity, and all other reasons it shouldn't work. So pg and I were talking about some of this and sort of came up with what I would love to see in a device like this. BTW – there will be no image of what I am describing because I am not breaking out Gimp to mock this up. Please, use your imagination.
So first there is the phone and it is a touchscreen device, something in the 4” range and it runs the latest version of Android. It also needs to have some kick-ass hardware specs and screen resolution. It will need to include all the other normal things like front/rear camera, b/g/n wireless, and all the other tech in current devices.
For the PSP capability, I say go with a case for it. The phone will just slide into the case in landscape position. The case will include all the gaming controls (pg really wants two analog sticks) and it will hold a battery inside it to help with battery life while gaming. Sony and third party hardware makes can even sell different types of cases. Some cases can offer bigger batteries, or more storage, or a UMD reader (awesome idea pg), or theme them out, and anything else people can think of. People might complain about carrying something else with them, but the times I want to play a PSP would be when I was traveling with things already like luggage or at least some sort of bag that I am sure could handle the extra case.
This device could be marketed to both gamers and non-gamers. That is where the hardware and screen comes in outside of games. There are people who won't care about gaming, but will want the phone because it is one of the best hardware devices out there. And then gamers will want the phone because they will want real gaming. The phone can be sold separately or in a bundle with a case. I think this design can take care of most of the issues that could be presented by this except for the cost. In the end, the price will be high, but if it could truly be this great of a device and let me do it all, I will pay for it.
Update: This isn't what I was hoping for.
Update: This isn't what I was hoping for.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
UG – Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Most likely will include spoilers)
I was able to score another free rental from Dish Network, I guess they must sense my awesomeness. However, after watching this movie I am afraid that Dish might stop offering me free things since I am finding ways to waste them. I think I would have enjoyed this movie a lot more if I was gay (nothing wrong with that if you are). I mean Jake Gyllenhaal was prettier than the female star who supposedly had unmatched beauty. Hell, the slave ladies later in the movie were hotter than her and based on her acting skills/number of lines in the movie, they should have had one of the harem girls play the part. Also of note is that these Persians looked absolutely nothing like the Persians from 300, but to be honest, I can't say which image is better, both sort of bother me. The movie had some entertaining action, but I had trouble getting past my frustrations with how dumb the lead guy could be. How many times can the girl trick you? The one good thing about this movie is that it was so easy to follow and so predictable that I was able to put the finishing touches on my Android phone after installing a new ROM on it.
Friday, October 15, 2010
UG - iPad coming to Verizon
This is a pure rant. Look, the iPad isn't coming to Verizon. They are simply selling the WiFi version and offering the option of including a MiFi with it. This is the same iPad that has been on sale this whole time. WTF? Seriously, this crap news makes it all over the place because they hope it is showing that the iPhone is coming to Verizon. I just had to complain about this because many of the tech blogs I follow have been posting on this and it is really retarded.
UG - Jonah Hex - All kinds of spoilers
Lets call this The Crow meets the old West. This movie wasn't bad considering I got it for free from Dish Network, but I am glad I didn't pay for it. I guess this was a comic book, but I didn't know of it. This guy fighting for the Confederate side does a good thing, but it requires going against orders so his regime turns on him. One guy kills Jonah's family while he watches, brands him, and leaves him for dead; however, he lives thanks to some Indians, but he was close to death and now he can touch dead people and they come alive and talk to him. He also apparently has crows that fly around and warn him before he gets shot from a distance or by someone hiding. The crows would be cool to have, except they fail miserably later in the movie and he gets jumped by the number 2 bad guy in the movie. Where the hell was the crow at that part?
It is also pretty sweet that a group of outlaws were capable of either building a ship or stealing it. However, the government has no clue how to find these guys, but I have to wonder how hard it should have been. Granted they were able to build a BFG, but I still think they should have been able to find a ship back in those days. Now, Jonah does have one kick ass super power, even though his face is all messed to high heaven, Megan Fox digs him and screws him all night long and wants to be with him. I sure as hell can't recommend this movie if you can't watch it for free, but if it costs nothing, it is better then watching another reality TV show, which mind you, no one should watch those programs.
It is also pretty sweet that a group of outlaws were capable of either building a ship or stealing it. However, the government has no clue how to find these guys, but I have to wonder how hard it should have been. Granted they were able to build a BFG, but I still think they should have been able to find a ship back in those days. Now, Jonah does have one kick ass super power, even though his face is all messed to high heaven, Megan Fox digs him and screws him all night long and wants to be with him. I sure as hell can't recommend this movie if you can't watch it for free, but if it costs nothing, it is better then watching another reality TV show, which mind you, no one should watch those programs.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
pg - The Other Guys
The Other Guys is a movie about rooting for the underdogs. Only these underdogs have some serious dysfunctional issues. I found the opening scenes with Samuel L. Jackson and Dwayne Johnson as super-cops absolutely hilarious. Will Ferril did an excellent job as spoiler and Mark Wahlberg was hilarious as cop who felt like a peacock who just wants to spread its wings and fly... only peacocks can't fly. Eva Mendes is absolutely hot as always and I assume this movie is where she met up with Will Ferril to make the famous Eva Mendes S.E.X. tape on funnyordie.com. Michael Keaton plays a hilarious sensitive(gay?) police chief who spoiler.
This movie brings back fond memories of the good 'ol police spoof movies but adds in some excellent action scenes as well. I had a great time and highly recommend it.
This movie brings back fond memories of the good 'ol police spoof movies but adds in some excellent action scenes as well. I had a great time and highly recommend it.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
pg - My Journey from PS3 to XBOX360; A Comparison
I'm tired of all these stupid exclusive games coming out that I couldn't play because all I have is a PS3. (I have a Wii, but that doesn't count. The Wii is more like a DS trapped inside a console with a wrist twirling wandy-thing for small children and creepy adults. Unless, you're bowling with friends - but then you have to drink beer to make it not seem so gay. )
I'll cut to the chase.
UG - Halo: Reach Review
I have played all the other Halo titles except for ODST. I have always enjoyed the series, but I haven't been a die hard fan. I find them to be fun, but that is about it. Well, the same friend that came to visit who brought some really dumb games, also brought this game. We played co-op and beat the game in a day and I had a blast doing it. The game is in line with the rest of the series for fun and entertainment. While the game is fun, there were a few issues that I think would be highlighted harder in other reviews if it weren't a Halo game that gets it a free pass. The fact that I can shoot a wall and there is no damage is pretty weak. If another game didn't have this graphic effect, it would get panned. My other complaint is the co-op isn't drop in or drop out like Gears of War made popular. That should be a standard feature for games like this. However, overall the game was a complete blast and I enjoyed playing all of it.
Spoiler: You die in the end :).
UG - Mass Effect 2 Review
I will admit it from the start that I am not a fan of RPG and really my tastes stick to FPS, sports, and action games. I had a friend recently that visited and introduced me to Mass Effect 2 to see if maybe I could be converted to at least appreciate RPG style games. After playing it for a bit, I have to say, this game sucks. Here is what I got out of the game:
- My character, among others, talk like a computer similar to something from xtranormal.com
- I have glowing scars so whatever they fixed me up with is probably running down a battery that must be in me somewhere
- The conversation is choose your own adventure style where the character actually doesn't say what I tell him to say
- The cut scenes are long no matter how fast I push the buttons; I'm here to play a game, not watch a movie (didn't anybody learn anything from the last Metal Gear Solid)
- I still don't like RPGs
Thursday, September 16, 2010
pg - Slashdot's "72% of US Adults Support Violent-Game Ban For Minors"
They say it's because adults don't want minors playing violent or sexually mature video games... Let me tell you the real reason why.
Minors are ANNOYING. They absolutely ruin the mature on-line experience of games like Modern Warfare 2 to the point that I feel the need to use private chat with my friends and mute everyone else. I feel like I can't make mature jokes in a mature game and I feel like they sound absolute idiots when they try to talk smack.
Reference: 72% of US Adults Support Violent-Game Ban For Minors
Minors are ANNOYING. They absolutely ruin the mature on-line experience of games like Modern Warfare 2 to the point that I feel the need to use private chat with my friends and mute everyone else. I feel like I can't make mature jokes in a mature game and I feel like they sound absolute idiots when they try to talk smack.
Reference: 72% of US Adults Support Violent-Game Ban For Minors
Monday, September 6, 2010
UG - Samsung UN65C6500 Review
Just picked up this TV and I am really loving it. It isn't perfect, but the big screen is awesome. Now I am a Samsung TV fan through and through so I have a bias towards them. This TV is replacing my 46" Samsung that I bought ~5 years ago. Some great things about this set is that it doesn't suffer from the white ghost aura that my 46" set suffered from. For those of you that don't know what I am talking about, when viewing an all black scene, there are white ghost lines and greyish light around the edges of the screen, especially around the corners. This set doesn't have that at all. A testament to that is when I was watching a movie last night with the lights off, all I could see was the movie and I couldn't even make out the black bars. The apps are nice and I really enjoy being able to have Netflix and Amazon VOD all built-in to the TV. I have Netflix on all my game systems, but I love not having to fire up another system to watch it.
For the negatives of the set, I am sure plasma/DLP fans will still say those sets produce better blacks. I won't argue that point, but I am willing to trade that for the size difference. This set measures in at 1.2" thick and that is awesome to me. Another con for some is that the set doesn't have 3D; however, I am not a 3D fan so I have zero interest in this feature. The last con I can think of is that I have to go through the Yahoo! app to access the Amazon VOD. I wish that I could install that app as a standalone to save me one more click that I have to do. Another con is that the default setting out of the box sucked. The only way I can describe it is that it looked too real. I started out watching Indiana Jones and the original settings made it look like I was watching a live screenplay. That sounds like a good thing, but it wasn't for me.
Overall, I am loving this TV. It was time consuming to go through all my inputs and do the necessary configuration changes, but it was worth every second now that I have it going.
Quick update notes:
Controller is pretty cheap and no thrills (I use a harmony so I didn't really think about this before)
Set isn't too heavy. Weights in ~90 lbs. but will require two people to move around
I don't like the apps that you can't remove, who the hell needs Facebook on their TV
For the negatives of the set, I am sure plasma/DLP fans will still say those sets produce better blacks. I won't argue that point, but I am willing to trade that for the size difference. This set measures in at 1.2" thick and that is awesome to me. Another con for some is that the set doesn't have 3D; however, I am not a 3D fan so I have zero interest in this feature. The last con I can think of is that I have to go through the Yahoo! app to access the Amazon VOD. I wish that I could install that app as a standalone to save me one more click that I have to do. Another con is that the default setting out of the box sucked. The only way I can describe it is that it looked too real. I started out watching Indiana Jones and the original settings made it look like I was watching a live screenplay. That sounds like a good thing, but it wasn't for me.
Overall, I am loving this TV. It was time consuming to go through all my inputs and do the necessary configuration changes, but it was worth every second now that I have it going.
Quick update notes:
Controller is pretty cheap and no thrills (I use a harmony so I didn't really think about this before)
Set isn't too heavy. Weights in ~90 lbs. but will require two people to move around
I don't like the apps that you can't remove, who the hell needs Facebook on their TV
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
UG - Madden 11 (Full game)
Ok, EA ended up getting my $60 for Madden 11. I have played it a few times and I am happy with my purchase. Some of my complaints from the demo are fixed like the replays at the end of quarters are actually good plays. The running is still awesome, but the passing can get a little weird with some receivers watching the ball go right by them while others grab passes about 5 yards too far. The jerkiness/parkinson's disease still exists when players are in the huddle and quarterbacks can still get off amazing passes no matter how much pressure I hit them with. But overall, the game feels like a greatly enhanced version over past years. Now, I just hope for easy ways to update rosters in my franchise mode when Brett Favre signs and he is added to the Vikings roster.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
pg - PlayStation Move Epiphany
"It's the SAME THING!!"
I just realized the PlayStation Move is the EXACT SAME CONCEPT as the Wii-motes. At first you think - "Oh.. motion control just like the Wii" - neat.
Consider this. The PS3 uses a camera to track a ball on your PS3 "wand". The Wii uses a camera to track the infrared light your Wii-mote emits. It's the SAME concept. The Wii one is actually done more elegantly. This is horrible! I bought my PS3 to get AWAY from the Wii. Now they're doing the same damn thing! EXACT SAME THING.
The PlayStation Move Navigation controller even looks the same as the Wii's. The control of both looks like it'd be nearly identical.
Here's an awesome link to the Onion about this thanks to my awesome fans and followers. Wii Video Games Blamed For Rise In Effeminate Violence. Thanks UG.
I just realized the PlayStation Move is the EXACT SAME CONCEPT as the Wii-motes. At first you think - "Oh.. motion control just like the Wii" - neat.
Consider this. The PS3 uses a camera to track a ball on your PS3 "wand". The Wii uses a camera to track the infrared light your Wii-mote emits. It's the SAME concept. The Wii one is actually done more elegantly. This is horrible! I bought my PS3 to get AWAY from the Wii. Now they're doing the same damn thing! EXACT SAME THING.
The PlayStation Move Navigation controller even looks the same as the Wii's. The control of both looks like it'd be nearly identical.
Here's an awesome link to the Onion about this thanks to my awesome fans and followers. Wii Video Games Blamed For Rise In Effeminate Violence. Thanks UG.
Friday, July 30, 2010
UG - Madden 11 (Demo)
Don't call it a comeback, I've been here ... just the other week ... saying I would be back ... screw it. Like my previous post said, I was going to compare the demo of Madden to NCAA to decide which one I would want to buy. I have now had the chance to play both and must say that NCAA has proven to once again be the red-headed stepchild. Even with NCAA receiving improvements, Madden still just feels like it is further ahead in mechanics, graphics, attention to detail, and on and on.
The first thing that scared me was I found out that Chris Collinsworth is one of the announcers and my first thought was holy schnikes, I hate that guy. After playing many games, I came to the realization that I might have been too quick to judge and I changed my mind about him...I despise him. However, the other announcer (some new guy) spoke the most often and he wasn't that bad so I will call this an improvement over previous years; however, I will still mute them.
The graphics are improved again with better use of lighting and shadowing to give a more realistic feel, but if you read my previous post you will know how I feel about graphical improvements (hint: those are supposed to happen). However, there were some issues with the graphics still. For example, when your players are in the huddle and they have their hands on their knees, they look like they have Parkinson's disease with their hands being all jumpy and vibrating.
The first thing that scared me was I found out that Chris Collinsworth is one of the announcers and my first thought was holy schnikes, I hate that guy. After playing many games, I came to the realization that I might have been too quick to judge and I changed my mind about him...I despise him. However, the other announcer (some new guy) spoke the most often and he wasn't that bad so I will call this an improvement over previous years; however, I will still mute them.
The graphics are improved again with better use of lighting and shadowing to give a more realistic feel, but if you read my previous post you will know how I feel about graphical improvements (hint: those are supposed to happen). However, there were some issues with the graphics still. For example, when your players are in the huddle and they have their hands on their knees, they look like they have Parkinson's disease with their hands being all jumpy and vibrating.
pg - Google Talk Follows You!
Here's a fun fact about Google Talk. It follows you! ... Just like a creepy stalker!
Seriously, though, try this out. Sign in to Google Talk on your Android phone and start chatting with someone. Then sign in to Google Talk from your computer and continue talking with them. You'll notice that Google will stop sending responses to your phone and send them only to your most recent Google Talk session. Kind of cool. It definitely saves you from receiving tons of notification alerts on your phone.
p0w BitchZ I'm out!
Seriously, though, try this out. Sign in to Google Talk on your Android phone and start chatting with someone. Then sign in to Google Talk from your computer and continue talking with them. You'll notice that Google will stop sending responses to your phone and send them only to your most recent Google Talk session. Kind of cool. It definitely saves you from receiving tons of notification alerts on your phone.
p0w BitchZ I'm out!
Monday, July 26, 2010
UG - 3D jumps the shark
I admit I am not the biggest fan of 3D. I find it to be more of a fad and that media creators are already over using it (except maybe the porn industry who is under-utilizing it so far). I refuse to sit in my house wearing dorky glasses, hell I am already dorky enough and sure don't need any assistance. It also doesn't help that I tend to get headaches whenever I watch 3D. However, I have to say when "Step Up 3D" tells you to come see 3D like never before, then I think 3D has already officially jumped the shark. This could mark the end of 3D. Well, that might be extreme, maybe just the end of civilization as we know it.
Friday, July 23, 2010
UG - NCAA 11 (Demo)
Now mind you, this is just a review of the demo. Yes, I know the full game is out and this demo was released awhile ago so you might be thinking it is retarded of me to review this demo, well I'm going to do it anyways so shut up. See I am cheap and I only want to buy either this game or Madden and the Madden demo isn't released until next week. So I thought I would check out this demo and then that demo and then choose.
The graphics looked pretty good in the game and the new lighting effects do help make the characters look more real. Overall, every aspect of the game feels improved from last year; however, that is what I expect. If it wasn't improved, why the hell would you release a new game. The tackling felt much better and the running game is improved. I think they give too much credit to quarterbacks though and rushing the quarterback is a little too easy. In some of the games I played, I was able to get to the quarterback about 75 percent of the time, but only ended up with a few sacks and even when I crushed the QB as he was throwing it, his throws were still excellent. This got a little tiresome after awhile. And just because it is improved, I don't think that should instantly give the game a higher ranking than the same game last year or make you think you have to buy it to replace last year's version if you are happy with it. These are the sort of improvements that always makes me think of the Chris Rock skit where he talks about the father that brags about taking care of his kids and Rock yells, you're supposed to take care of your kids, what do you want, a cookie. And that is my sentiment on this as well, I don't see bragging rights in making minor improvements during the one year of coding time.
The graphics looked pretty good in the game and the new lighting effects do help make the characters look more real. Overall, every aspect of the game feels improved from last year; however, that is what I expect. If it wasn't improved, why the hell would you release a new game. The tackling felt much better and the running game is improved. I think they give too much credit to quarterbacks though and rushing the quarterback is a little too easy. In some of the games I played, I was able to get to the quarterback about 75 percent of the time, but only ended up with a few sacks and even when I crushed the QB as he was throwing it, his throws were still excellent. This got a little tiresome after awhile. And just because it is improved, I don't think that should instantly give the game a higher ranking than the same game last year or make you think you have to buy it to replace last year's version if you are happy with it. These are the sort of improvements that always makes me think of the Chris Rock skit where he talks about the father that brags about taking care of his kids and Rock yells, you're supposed to take care of your kids, what do you want, a cookie. And that is my sentiment on this as well, I don't see bragging rights in making minor improvements during the one year of coding time.
Friday, July 16, 2010
UG - Apple's press conference about iPhone 4 antenna UPDATE: More whining
Apple held a press conference today to discuss the recent news reports that they have a bad antenna design. My guess is that the Consumer Reports article really made this happen since that is a publication that is read by millions, including non-geeks. I think if it had stayed to the tech blogs where really only geeks visit and not your regular user, they never would have held it.
Wow, Apple started off their press conference by trying to drag other phone makers down with them. Instead of just getting to it, they are like wait, we have to show some other crap about our competitors, go yell at them too. I have an HTC Evo and I wasn't able to make my bars change depending on where my hand was. The most I saw was one bar go up or down, but that is all. I tried holding it every which way. I felt like Mr. Jobs put me back in elementary school when I would use the excuse that Jimmie was also doing it when I got busted shooting spitballs.
Wow, Apple started off their press conference by trying to drag other phone makers down with them. Instead of just getting to it, they are like wait, we have to show some other crap about our competitors, go yell at them too. I have an HTC Evo and I wasn't able to make my bars change depending on where my hand was. The most I saw was one bar go up or down, but that is all. I tried holding it every which way. I felt like Mr. Jobs put me back in elementary school when I would use the excuse that Jimmie was also doing it when I got busted shooting spitballs.
pg - Handcent SMS for Android
If you're looking for an alternative to the standard Android SMS application then this is it. Handcent SMS has customizable vibrate patterns, notification icons, themes, etc down to a per-contact level. Want lame iPhone looking bubble chat? Done. Want normal looking chat? Done. Want a widget that looks like an icon on your home screen that shows how many unread messages you have? Done.
With all its awesomeness-glory, Handcent SMS isn't without its flaws. Don't want advertisements? Sorry. They're in there, but at least they aren't in-your-face. Also, if you happen to be a Samsung Moment user then you "might" experience intermittent reboots whenever you recieve a new SMS message. The fix is to launch Handcent SMS as SOON as it boots back up and mark those messages as "read" or you'll be stuck in a reboot/loop nightmare. This problem seems to be fixed and re-appear with every other application update. Oh well. For now, I'm back to Google Voice SMS chat. Which, coincidentally crashes occasionally, too, but it doesn't take my entire phone down with it...
(9/10) [ when I have a version that doesn't cause reboots ]
(2/10) [ when I have a version that causes reboots ]
With all its awesomeness-glory, Handcent SMS isn't without its flaws. Don't want advertisements? Sorry. They're in there, but at least they aren't in-your-face. Also, if you happen to be a Samsung Moment user then you "might" experience intermittent reboots whenever you recieve a new SMS message. The fix is to launch Handcent SMS as SOON as it boots back up and mark those messages as "read" or you'll be stuck in a reboot/loop nightmare. This problem seems to be fixed and re-appear with every other application update. Oh well. For now, I'm back to Google Voice SMS chat. Which, coincidentally crashes occasionally, too, but it doesn't take my entire phone down with it...
(9/10) [ when I have a version that doesn't cause reboots ]
(2/10) [ when I have a version that causes reboots ]
Thursday, July 15, 2010
UG - Hoping stories of Droid X aren't true UPDATE: Droid X rooted
This is just a quick tirade. The blog sites and forums are buzzing with rumors that the new Motorola Droid X will be shipping with eFUSE that will protect the phone from any customization that messes with the guts of the phone (aka you installing a custom ROM would brick your phone). Now there is no evidence of anything happening yet and eFUSE has shipped with other phones, but it sounds like it wasn't enabled. No matter how this turns out, I hope other hardware manufacturers don't look to follow suit. Even having the option there sucks. I hope the geek buyers out there will watch this sort of thing and avoid those phones to send a message to manufacturers; however, the masses aren't geeks and they won't care what they buy so it probably won't matter anyways. I had an original Motorola Droid (that had e-FUSE, but wasn't put into use) and loved it. Mine had good build quality and I loved vanilla Android (I am not a fan of other UIs including Sense). I would love to buy another Motorola phone in future, but with this sort of shenanigans, I will be staying away from Motorola for now.
UG - Space Physics for Android
Space Physics by Camel Games for Android is a great puzzle game. I used to be a big fan of The Incredible Machine and had been looking for something similar on Android and this is the closest I have found. The premise of the game is to get the ball to hit the star. You do this by drawing lines, wheels, swirly crap that was your attempt at a wheel, some sort of bike that works by drawing two wheels and a connecting line, pivot points, joints, etc. It is sort of like finger painting with a purpose. I love this game and find myself playing a level or two whenever I get a chance. It is a great bathroom time killer, just make sure your fingers are clean.
Monday, July 12, 2010
pg - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Let me get this out in the open first. I SUCK at first person shooters. There have been a variety of PS3 FPS's that I've become acquainted with. I deeply enjoyed Resistance 2's campaign and co-op play, but disliked the team deathmatch. I found Killzone 2's campaign to be fun but un-memorable and hated the online multiplayer aspect.
MW2's campaign is fun, high energy, diverse, and definitely a challenge for me so far. The co-op special ops play mode is a hell of a lot of fun but would be SO much better if it wasn't limited to two people. I wish MW2 took some of the ideas from R2 co-op play like allowing more than 2 people to participate. No matter how hard the special ops mode gets ANYONE can beat the missions. Why? They're predictable. You can play them over and over again and they're nearly exactly the same. Don't get me wrong... so let me re-iterate; special ops mode is FUN!
Two words. Team Deathmatch. This is where MW2 excels. It's freaking awesome! The controls work seamlessly, the maps are diverse, and you can get awards for dieing more often than anyone else (that's me)! Now that I'm familiar with MW2's game play; I definitely have to say this is where it's at. Leave your ego at the door and no matter how bad you suck and how often you die this multiplayer game is still freaking awesome.
"But what if he shot you in the face?" - Dumb and Dumber
MW2's campaign is fun, high energy, diverse, and definitely a challenge for me so far. The co-op special ops play mode is a hell of a lot of fun but would be SO much better if it wasn't limited to two people. I wish MW2 took some of the ideas from R2 co-op play like allowing more than 2 people to participate. No matter how hard the special ops mode gets ANYONE can beat the missions. Why? They're predictable. You can play them over and over again and they're nearly exactly the same. Don't get me wrong... so let me re-iterate; special ops mode is FUN!
Two words. Team Deathmatch. This is where MW2 excels. It's freaking awesome! The controls work seamlessly, the maps are diverse, and you can get awards for dieing more often than anyone else (that's me)! Now that I'm familiar with MW2's game play; I definitely have to say this is where it's at. Leave your ego at the door and no matter how bad you suck and how often you die this multiplayer game is still freaking awesome.
"But what if he shot you in the face?" - Dumb and Dumber
Friday, July 9, 2010
UG - PlayStation Plus

pg - Assassin's Creed II
Ever feel like stabbing someone in the face? Ever want to be a medieval version of Rico Suave? Want to play an action game that feels like it's becoming an RPG? Want to cut off your ring finger? No? Well, in Assasin's Creed II you can do all these things AND keep your ring fingers!
AC2 is exactly like AC1 except you can now distract guards with courtesanes(hookers), thieves, and money. Yes, you now have money and you can choose to use it... or not. You can totally deck yourself out with armor and boost your health or you can play through the game without this perk. It really is kind of useless because you can also purchase healing potions(rpg?) but you can look totally bad ass like my character decked to the hilt with armor and some sweet green robes. That's right. I said green robes. You can dye your clothing. I'm still trying to figure out the benefit of this since it costs money. I thought, maybe, like GTA if you paint your car your warning level goes down that maybe if you dye your robes your alert level would go down. Nope. Purely cosmetic. I think they're trying to appeal to chicks and RPG gamers. I prefer to think of my self as an RPG gamer but by no means a LARPer. I can buy art too. I can buy maps of all the hidden treasure -- doesn't this negate the need for purchasing a guide book? Hit all the vantage view points, buy the treasure maps, and now I fail to see the need to buy a book. Yes, there are still a boatload of vantage view points.
This time around, I find myself skipping all the side quests that I felt like I already played in the first AC. Which, is probably 80% of the game. My town is totally built out. Yes, you have a town. If this doesn't make sense to you, then I assure you -- it doesn't make sense to me.
You can now swim, and cities now have country-sides you can explore. Either way, the game still feels exactly like AC1. Yet.... I'm still drawn to playing this game. I can't help it. I love jumping and running from rooftop to rooftop and stabbing people. I can't put the damn controller down.
"O'Doyle Rules!" - Billy Madison
Thursday, July 8, 2010
UG - Joe Danger

UG - Red Dead Redemption

UG - Assassin's Creed II

Ever want to be an assassin?? Ever want to be an assassin who looks like he could be part of new kids on the block?? Did you play AC and enjoy it and think, damn I wish I could play that same game over again, but with a new character? Then this game is for you. Here is my spoiler alert on how the game goes. Track down someone, kill them, cut scene saying that you were wrong or you don't know the truth ... repeat.
Wait I forgot about the other cool missions. One of them involves a city that you try to rebuild. To do this, there is a chest that collects money as the city makes a profit and then you spend that money to rebuild the city. The awesome thing about this chest is that it can only hold a certain amount of money. What a magical chest? I would love to go buy a whole new entertainment system and have the cashier tell me it is free because their cash register is full.
pg - Red Dead Redemption
After a long day of drinking 4 manly beers of differing geographic locations(diverse), I decided to give Red Dead Redemption a rental spin.
Here's my initial take:
- There's a lot of desert.
- There's a lot of horse riding.
- Shooting someone leads to my imminent death.
- I like the mini-stories that involve going to a remote location and looking at a spot of blood on the ground.
- Shooting the train conductor and jumping off the train and down a cliff is a mortally bad idea.
- Riding the horse into the middle of a hanging can lead to your death.
- Whenever I try to take cover, I end up taking cover on the side of the boulder instead of behind it. Death ensues.
- Inverted camera is the only real way to play.
- I'm amazed that this cowboy either has GPS or an amazing sense of direction.
- Skinning an animal isn't nearly as violent or cool as other reviews made it out to be. I was expecting something wicked cruel - like something Hannibal Lector might do.
I wish I had a chance to play co-op or multi-player, but I didn't. Maybe it's worth it just for that. The concept of a lone vigilante is cool. Westerns have never really been my thing.
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